The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is “socializing” a revised draft Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Fisheries domain of its $8-Billion Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract, the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (ProTech) 2.0. The final RFP will be released in the second quarter of 2023, according to a February 17 update from the agency.

Although NOAA indicated that the solicitation is not yet active, there is a tentative proposal schedule listed in the revised RFP, which can be found under a new solicitation number in

Under this draft RFP, questions would be due to the agency by March 17, and Phase I submissions would be due in electronic format no later than April 5. NOAA would notify bidders of the down select by April 20, 2023, opening the bidding for Phase II of the proposal process. The contracts would be awarded no sooner than March 2024.

The draft solicitation includes a two-phase proposal, with Phase II including a scorecard to illustrate bidder experience and capabilities in the six outlined task areas, as well as an orals presentation. Reach out to us for help with Orals preparation and coaching, or take our class here.

Number of Awards

NOAA expects to offer no more than 25 awards and will issue no more than 30 advisory recommendations to proceed during Phase I of the source selection process. Offerors that identify limited capability in Phase I may still be advised to proceed to Phase II and may still obtain an award. Niche vendors (those with strong capability in a PWS element or task area(s)) may be included to broaden vendor capability at the IDIQ level.

Total Small Business Set-aside

The Protech 2.0 Fisheries Domain requirement will be a total small business set-aside. NOAA is seeking small business contractors to implement innovative data collection and management technology to support sustainable, ecosystem-based fisheries management supporting NOAA’s Fisheries Climate Science Strategy.

Protech 2.0 Fisheries Domain is one of four multiple-award IDIQ opportunities in the Protech 2.0 contract portfolio, which also includes Satellites, Oceans, and Weather. The domains share an $8-billion contract ceiling across the four contracts, and NOAA held the re-compete for the Satellites domain last year. The Fisheries domain will be a mandatory-use contract for professional, scientific, and technical services for NOAA and the Department of Commerce agency-wide for all services within its scope of work.

Phase I Scoring

NOAA will determine the optimal number of offerors considering the proximity measures received during Phase I. According to the agency, optimal will be judged based on proximity to a notional ideal offeror who performs half of the 33 services (i.e. ideal breadth = 0.5) and performs all services at the highest possible level (ideal), or a selection of 3 for all scope elements for which they have experience (i.e. ideal depth = 1.0).

Phase I requires an Administrative Volume that includes a three-page executive summary (this limit was previously five pages); solicitation documents, including uncompensated overtime policy and professional employee compensation plan, and a technical corporate capabilities self-assessment matrix.

Relevant corporate experience should be greater than or similar in size to current ProTechFisheries task orders, which range from $100,000 to $10 million. Bidders need not illustrate relevant experience across all task areas outlined in the draft performance work statement (PWS), bidders may still be approved to apply for Phase II evaluation and be offered a contract if they are the only firm capable of performing a particular element of the PWS, according to the draft RFP. However, total scoring will be based on ideal breadth and ideal depth.

Six Task Areas

Bidders must show the capability to provide NOAA with professional scientists, technical experts, and consultants to provide services in six task areas:

  • Studies, Data Analysis, and Reports
  • Applied Research, Engineering, Consulting, and Operations
  • Filed Sampling, Data Collection, and Surveys
  • Training and Program and Project Management
  • Fisheries Management and Consultation Activities
  • Economic and Social Science

OST Global Solutions is a professional business development consulting firm. We have experience supporting large, strategic bids like ProTech 2.0. We can provide capture and proposal teams to develop a complete, winning ProTech 2.0 proposal. Or we can provide consultants on a case-by-case basis to fill gaps on your business development team. Our services related to the ProTech 2.0 proposal consist of capture management, proposal management, proposal writing, graphics support, editing, desktop publishing, orals coaching, orals slide preparation, and cost volume development.

Reach out to us to discuss your ProTech 2.0 bid, so we can help develop a winning proposal.

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(301) 384-3350


Upcoming Bid & Proposal Academy Classes

Winning Government Cost Proposals Including AI Essentials (Live Class)

OST Global Solutions Virtual Classroom MD, United States

Developing a Winning Cost Volume course helps you increase your federal contract win probability. We focus on Government contract evaluation, pricing fundamentals such as cost buildup and cost volume elements, price strategy, developing basis of estimate (BOE), coming up with assumptions, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), cost volume narrative, winning in lowest price technically acceptable proposals (LPTA), and much more.


Proposal Graphics Conceptualization & Design (Live Class)

OST Global Solutions Virtual Classroom MD, United States

This course provides the skills necessary to conceptualize proposal graphics that convey your winning solution to Government customers. In addition to brainstorming on a graphic idea, this training shows you how to design an action caption, sketch a graphic concept, deliver a specific visual message to the Government customer, and use professional graphic design principles and resources to make your graphics look attractive.


Desktop Publishing for Proposal Professionals (Live Class)

OST Global Solutions Virtual Classroom MD, United States

Government proposal desktop publishing teaches valuable skills in designing, laying out Government proposals in MS Word. Present your company’s offer in the most professional light to Federal evaluators. The course covers tools and features MS Word offers to the desktop publisher, and shortcuts to increase speed and efficiency. It covers color palette and styles, tables of contents, headers and footers, and elements of design to ensure your proposal is attractive. Learn More
