The Department of State (DOS) has extended the deadline and issued an amendment to its $10-Billion IT-based Evolve contract. Proposals are now due January 25, 2023.

Bidders will no longer have to submit pricing for the sample task order, as pricing for the sample task will no longer be evaluated. Other changes to the RFP include a shift from “confidence Ratings” to “adjectival ratings,” the removal of self-scoring points for experience submitted for the “Prime” vs “Sub,” as well as corrections and clarifications based on the questions DOS received. The agency also released answers to questions submitted by potential offerors.

Bidders must submit a Phase I proposal to qualify for an award, and a separate, standalone proposal is required for each of the five functional categories for this IDIQ. DOS estimates that it will notify bidders of their advisory down-select decisions and launch Phase 2 of the process as soon as April.

The Evolve procurement vehicle is divided into five functional areas, and offerors must submit separate proposals to compete in each category.

Evolve replaces one of the agency’s largest IT contracts, Vanguard 2.2.1, as well as an additional 22 existing contracts and task orders. Evolve will have a 5-7-year Period of Performance.

Anticipated Awards:

DOS intends to award up to 36 IDIQ Contracts, broken down as follows:

  1. IT Management Services Functional Category
    • Up to four Full-and-Open IDIQ contracts
    • Up to four Small Business set aside IDIQ contracts
  1. Cloud & Data Center Services Functional Category
    • Up to four Full-and-Open IDIQ contracts
    • Up to four Small Business set aside IDIQ contracts
  1. Application Development Services Functional Category
    • Up to four Full-and-Open IDIQ contracts
    • Up to four Small Business set aside IDIQ contracts
  1. Network & Telecommunications Services Functional Category
    • Up to six Full-and-Open IDIQ contracts
  1. Customer & End User Support Services Functional Category
    • Up to six Full-and-Open IDIQ contracts to be awarded.

OST Global Solutions is a professional business development consulting firm. We have experience supporting large, strategic bids like Evolve. We can provide capture and proposal teams to develop a complete, winning Evolve proposal. Or we can provide consultants on a case-by-case basis to fill gaps on your business development team. Our services related to the Evolve proposal consist of capture management, team identification/negotiation, proposal management, pricing support, orals coaching, proposal writing, graphics support, editing, desktop publishing, and cost volume development.

Reach out to us to discuss your Evolve bid, so we can discuss how to develop a winning proposal.

(301) 384-3350


Upcoming Bid & Proposal Academy Classes

Winning Government Cost Proposals Including AI Essentials (Live Class)

OST Global Solutions Virtual Classroom MD, United States

Developing a Winning Cost Volume course helps you increase your federal contract win probability. We focus on Government contract evaluation, pricing fundamentals such as cost buildup and cost volume elements, price strategy, developing basis of estimate (BOE), coming up with assumptions, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), cost volume narrative, winning in lowest price technically acceptable proposals (LPTA), and much more.


Proposal Graphics Conceptualization & Design (Live Class)

OST Global Solutions Virtual Classroom MD, United States

This course provides the skills necessary to conceptualize proposal graphics that convey your winning solution to Government customers. In addition to brainstorming on a graphic idea, this training shows you how to design an action caption, sketch a graphic concept, deliver a specific visual message to the Government customer, and use professional graphic design principles and resources to make your graphics look attractive.


Desktop Publishing for Proposal Professionals (Live Class)

OST Global Solutions Virtual Classroom MD, United States

Government proposal desktop publishing teaches valuable skills in designing, laying out Government proposals in MS Word. Present your company’s offer in the most professional light to Federal evaluators. The course covers tools and features MS Word offers to the desktop publisher, and shortcuts to increase speed and efficiency. It covers color palette and styles, tables of contents, headers and footers, and elements of design to ensure your proposal is attractive. Learn More
