Upcoming Training Events
I am sure you can relate to these, and have lived more of your own proposal nightmares... If you have more ...
Would you rather listen to this article? Here it is Proposal Lessons from an Aerial Forest Adventure Park, read by ...
This capture training course covers six steps of OST's lean but highly effective Capture Process, with exact "how ...
we are revamping all of our self-study materials and will be seriously expanding our capture and proposal ...
Tips for managing fast turnaround proposals such as task orders or proposals where you are late getting started ...
We have had a wonderful winning streak in the past year and a half winning literally every proposal we ran, but ...
Finding Rock Star Government Proposal Managers is Tough - Attributes of a Proposal Manager who Continuously Wins ...
My 5-year-old daughter, when working on a puzzle, knows to glance at the whole picture first, before starting to ...
A customer of mine just shared a quote with me that I found particularly inspiring, that I wanted to share with ...
The current economy is the driving factor behind the budget tightening trend - not only for households but also ...
This is the third blog in the series of 10 tips for winning Government contracts and growing in the federal ...
This is the second blog in the series of 10 tips for winning Government contracts and growing in the federal ...
I love that it is the official beginning of spring. This winter has been filled with proposal work, and I have had ...
It is a known fact that people tend to work harder and more intelligently for the people they like and care about. ...
Plan better for proposal emergencies such as having three methods of proposal delivery (one main and two ...
Executive Summary Secrets self-study course - workbook and audio CD
I had a very interesting comment from a friend via Facebook to my blog. I thought I'd share it with you because it ...
I am working through the final edits of my workbook and instructional CD titled How to Write Persuasive Executive ...