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In Part 1 of our seven part series on the Seven Deadly Proposal Sins, we covered Pride, which is often synonymous ...
Olessia and I recently spoke at the 2014 NCMA World Congress on proposal quality control. As we were working on ...
Training your operations people to be business developers reminds me a lot of patrolling in Afghanistan. On a ...
Cue “Welcome to the Jungle,” by Guns and Roses. ( Slash’s guitar ...
In the U.S. Army Infantry, the actual execution of an ambush is less than 10 minutes. Once the mission starts, you ...
The cardinal sin of any Government contractor is to lose the bread-and-butter contract that they rely on as a ...
While the Super Bowl was forgettable, some of the commercials were excellent examples of telling a story that ...
How many of you woke up last Sunday and predicted that the best offense in the history of the NFL wouldn’t score a ...
Every fishing story sounds similar. It starts out with a description of the setting, a little nibble, then the ...
A great business developer is a “people” person who builds and sustains long-term relationships with customers and ...
One of the first steps in capturing an opportunity is to conduct a win themes development and strategy session. ...
When you are in a position of an editor or a reviewer, remember that the authors put a lot of work into the ...
Let’s talk compliance. Compliance, as you know, starts with a proper proposal outline. Proposal managers need to ...

I spent about 7 years in the infantry, 5.5 years with the 82nd Airborne Division, and 27 months in Afghanistan. ...
We need to get prepared to sprint until the next crisis and potential shutdown that is just around the corner. In ...
As we look at the headlines (“Government reopens,” “Ok. Back to Work,” “Striking a D.C. Deal,” “Backing away from ...
The most important goal of capture is to stack the deck in your favor. For now, forget about proving you are the ...
Engaging the Government customer boils down to four key tasks: building relationships, collecting information, ...