On behalf of OST Global Solutions, and as a veteran myself, I would like to extend our sincerest thanks to all active-duty military personnel, veterans, and the men and women who have died fighting for this country. Many of us will spend the weekend traveling, relaxing with friends and family, going to cookouts, and enjoying the start of summer. This is how the weekend should be spent, in celebration. There is no better way of honoring those who have sacrificed for this country than by enjoying the gift of freedom that they have given to us. Amidst the celebrations this weekend, take a minute to appreciate all the things that we have in this country. Appreciate the tranquility that we enjoy, and remember that there are Soldiers, Marines, Seamen, and Airmen who will be spending this weekend away from their families, deployed all over the world. Some will be spending the weekend hunting the Taliban in the dirt and mud of Afghanistan, while others will be training in preparation for their next deployment. There are thousands of families across this country that will be spending this weekend mourning the loved ones that have been lost over the last 16 ½ years of war and previous wars. Unlike Veterans Day, this weekend is about honoring all those who died in defense of our great nation. These men and women are honored in memorials across Washington D.C., Arlington National Cemetery, and the rest of the country. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, pictured above, is inscribed “Here Rests In Honored Glory An American Soldier Known But To God” and has been guarded continuously since July 2nd, 1937. The sarcophagus is white to celebrate the lives of the men and women who died, and this weekend is meant to do the same. On Monday, we give appreciation to what we enjoy here in this country and reflect on the price that was paid for those freedoms.

Best regards,

David Huff
Business Development and Operations Manager
OST Global Solutions, Inc.
…Because There is No Second Place in Proposals! TM

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